“OC Livin” By Dannny Rose ft. Roicire & Playboy Kazo Is The Hottest New Single

New Minority
Oct 23, 2020

Hailing in from the 714, Dannny Rose has just released a new single titled “OC Livin” featuring Roicire and Playboy Kazo, and New Minority is obsessed!

Via Instagram @dannnyrose

This Garden Grove native gave our team at New Minority all of the inside scoop on his newest single.

“OC Livin was actually made two and a half years ago. Roicire & Kazo made the song originally. They needed a third so they reached out and we made it happen. We all grew up in Garden Grove” (Rose, 2020), Rose told our team.

Dannny Rose has been doing music since 2014, where it quickly became a hobby of his since then. Rose recalls being around music his whole life, with family members, such as his sister, singing and being a part of music collectives.

“I just expressed myself best with music” (Rose, 2020), he tells us.

Via Instagram @dannnyrose

Mr. Rose is heavily inspired by his parents and real-life heroes. “People that work hard and make shit happen. People that do not make excuses but make adjustments — those are the people that inspire me. People like that are what make the earth run” (Rose, 2020).

Dannny Rose just released a music video for OC Livin, check it out down below and comment on what you think!

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